A tool for nucleus organelle gene map construction
git clone https://github.com/chenym1/IGTminer.git
cd IGTminer
IGTminer -h
IGTminer is implemented in python3 and CentOS Linux, and external command-line tools, which are executable on your PATH, are needed:
BLAST (v2.9.0) The installing way: conda install blast -c bioconda
MCscan (v1.0.6) The installing way: pip install jcvi
BEDTools (v2.29.2) The installing way: conda install bedtools -c bioconda
R (v3.6.0)
$ IGTminer -h
Program: IGTminer
Description: A tool for nucleus organelle gene (NOG) map construction
Version: v1.0.0
Usage: IGTminer <command> [options]
Subcommands include:
[ pipeline ]
reannotation Reannotation of nucleus organelle genes (NOGs)
collinearityNetwork Pairwise collinear block search and construction of NOG map
$ IGTminer reannotation -h
Tool: IGTminer reannotation
Description: Reannotation of nucleus organelle genes (NOGs)
Usage: IGTminer reannotation [options]
-h Show this message and exit
-g <file> Gff3
-f <file> Nucleus genome fasta
-c <file> Chromosome name file
-r <file> Custom protein sequence file
-m <str> If parameter '-r' is empty,
please select plastid (pt) or mitochondrion (mt) [default pt]
-p <file> Organelle genome fasta
-d <int> Maximum distance for clustering NOGs [default 140000]
-n <str> Prefix name of output file [default NOG]
-t <int> Number of threads [default 12]
$ IGTminer collinearityNetwork -h
Tool: IGTminer collinearityNetwork
Description: Pairwise collinear block search and construction of NOG map
Usage: IGTminer collinearityNetwork [options]
-h Show this message and exit
-c <file> Chromosome name path
-n <file> Prefix name of output file [default IGTminerOutput]
-e E-value of BLASTP [default 1e-5]
-d <int> Extent of flanking regions to search using MCscan [default 8]
-s <int> Minimum number of anchors in a cluster using MCscan [default 10]
-t Number of threads for blast [default 12]
mkdir example; cd example
wget http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/TGT/downloads/example.tar.gz
tar -xzvf example.tar.gz
IGTminer reannotation -g te.gff3 -f te.fa -c te.chrlist -p te.pt.fa -n te
IGTminer reannotation -g svevo.gff3 -f svevo.fa -c svevo.chrlist -p svevo.pt.fa -n svevo
IGTminer collinearityNetwork -c chrlist