1 What is GeneTribe


Figure 1. The core workflow of GeneTribe
GeneTribe, a multilevel homolog-identification pipeline, takes advantage of collinear block scores and chromosome group information. It is more suitable for homolog inference among genetically similar assemblies.


genetribe -h

# Program: GeneTribe (a tool for homology inference)
# Version: 1.0.0
# Usage: genetribe <command> [options]
# Subcommands include:
# [ pipeline ]
#      core           Core workflow of GeneTribe
#      corenog        Workflow not grouping chromosomes
#      sameassembly   Homology inference for the same assembly
# [ tool ]
#      RBH            Obtain Reciprocal Best Hits (RBH)
#      CBS            Calculate Collinear Block Score (CBS)
#      longestcds     Extract longest protein sequence from protein fasta
# Author:    Chen,Yongming
# Email:     chen_yongming@126.com
# Homepage:  https://chenym1.github.io/genetribe/